
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國直購] BEHRINGER U-CONTROL UCA222 錄音介面 Ultra-Low Latency 2 In/2 Out USB Audio Interface


就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [106美國直購] BEHRINGER U-CONTROL UCA222 錄音介面 Ultra-Low Latency 2 In/2 Out USB Audio Interface


[106美國直購] BEHRINGER U-CONTROL UCA222 錄音介面 Ultra-Low Latency 2 In/2 Out USB Audio Interface


[106美國直購] BEHRINGER U-CONTROL UCA222 錄音介面 Ultra-Low Latency 2 In/2 Out USB Audio Interface



Ultra-flexible audio interface connects your instruments, mixer, etc. with your computer for recording and playback

Compact music production software included with feature-rich audio/MIDI sequencer that loads almost instantaneously on all computer platforms

Massive software bundle includes Audacity audio editor, comprehensive podcasting software and over 150 virtual instruments and effect plug-ins

Works with your PC or Mac computer - no setup or drivers required

Stereo Headphone output with dedicated Level control lets you monitor both input and output

Revolutionary energyXT2.5 Compact music production software included with feature-rich audio/MIDI sequencer

Bundle includes Audacity audio editor, comprehensive podcasting software and over 150 virtual instruments and effect plug-ins

Product Description


Ultra-Low Latency 2 In/2 Out USB Audio Interface with Digital Output

Ultra-flexible audio interface connects your instruments, mixer, etc. with your computer for recording and playback

Massive software bundle including Audacity audio editor, comprehensive podcasting software and over 150 virtual instruments and effect plug-ins downloadable at

Works with your PC or Mac computer - no setup or drivers required

High-resolution 48 kHz converters for high-end audio quality

Stereo Headphone output with dedicated Level control lets you monitor both input and output

Additional S/PDIF optical output for direct digital conversion

Powered via USB - no external power supply needed

High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life

Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany

The Fastest Way to Upgrade Your Mixer

Looking for a simple, affordable way to get your music into the digital realm? Or maybe you'd like to connect your computer to an external effects unit or recorder? Want to transfer your old cassette tapes to CD before the oxide falls off the tape? The fastest, easiest way to get analog audio into your computer is with the U-CONTROL UCA222 Audio Interface.

PC and Mac Ready

This ultra-compact, USB-powered device lets you connect your PC or Mac computer to virtually any piece of audio gear. It gets its power from your computer's USB bus, so no external power supply or batteries are required. And the UCA222 requires no special setup or drivers - just plug it in to a free USB port and start recording.


The UCA222 features two analog mono inputs for connecting any line-level device, such as a mixer or tape deck, and two analog mono outputs for connecting active speakers or studio monitors. On the digital side, the UCA222 provides USB connectivity and an additional S/PDIF optical output for direct analog-to-digital conversion. The stereo headphone output has a dedicated level control and allows you listen to either the input source or the computer output.

Imagine the Possibilities...

When used as a professional interface between a mixing console and your computer, myriad options become available. Some of these might include connecting the UCA222's RCA outputs to the TAPE INPUT jacks of your mixer or active monitors, or directly into the input channels of the mixer. Connecting to mixer input channels gives you access to equalization and allows you to use the AUX Send features of your mixer to build extremely versatile monitor mixes for your recording sessions.

Tons of Free Software

Because you'll want to take full advantage of the UCA222's podcasting and recording potential we've included a massive software package including Audacity, Podifier, Juice, Podnova and Golden Ear. You're ready to go live on your Mac or PC computer right out of the box! You also get more than 100 virtual instruments and over 50 effects plug-ins, turning your computer into a complete home-based or mobile recording studio from input to output.


For a fraction of the cost of an overpriced USB audio interface from those other guys, you can have state-ofthe- art digital conversion, world-class recording and editing software, and hassle-free connectivity between your PC or Mac Computer and any piece of audio gear.

Bridging the gap between your music and the rest of the world - the BEHRINGER U-CONTROL UCA222.

Product Information

Item Weight:10.4 ounces

Product Dimensions:7.2x5.5x1.4inches

Shipping Weight:7 ounces


Item model number:UCA222

[106美國直購] BEHRINGER U-CONTROL UCA222 錄音介面 Ultra-Low Latency 2 In/2 Out USB Audio Interface

相關 [106美國直購] BEHRINGER U-CONTROL UCA222 錄音介面 Ultra-Low Latency 2 In/2 Out USB Audio Interface





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[106美國直購] BEHRINGER U-CONTROL UCA222 錄音介面 Ultra-Low Latency 2 In/2 Out USB Audio Interface


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