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[103 美國直購 ShopUSA] 漫畫工作室 Manga Studio EX 4 $2929


[103 美國直購 ShopUSA] 漫畫工作室 Manga Studio EX 4 $2929


20140311cb_Manga Studio EX 4


Product Dimensions: 7.8 x 5.5 x 1.5 inches ; 3.5 ounces

Media: Software

Release Date: December 22, 2008

Product Description

Platform: PC/Mac

Manga Studio EX 4.0 delivers powerful, cutting edge features for Manga and Comic artists alike. Manga Studio EX 4.0 offers thousands of screen tones, professional coloring tools, built in 2DLT and 3DLT rendering capabilities, advanced vector tools and image filters. Manga Studio EX is the leading comic software worldwide, making it the ideal tool for professional Comic and Manga artists.

Industry standard, intuitive user interface. Click to enlarge.

Manga Studio EX 4.0 offers more versatility and flexibility than any other application when creating manga and comics. Click to enlarge.

Access over 3,000 screen tones to add dimension, depth, and character to your artwork. Click to enlarge.

Customize your projects with a large collection of special effects and features. Click to enlarge.

Choose from an abundance of preset colors or create your own colors and custom color sets. The possibilities are endless! Click to enlarge.

Manga Studio EX 4.0 consists of a suite of advanced creative filters. Click to enlarge.

Choose from large library of built-in word balloons and enter and edit the text for your entire story using the Story Editor in Manga Studio EX. Click to enlarge.

The 2DLT Rendering function in Manga Studio EX allows you to convert images into customizable screen tones with just one mouse click. Click to enlarge.

Use the 3D Line and Tone Rendering feature to convert 3D objects to backgrounds and props for your comics. Click to enlarge.

Save time and increase your productivity with customizable Manga Studio tool palettes. Click to enlarge.

The leading comic and manga creation software worldwide.

Choose from over 3,000 screen tones or create your own.

Resize with no loss in quality by converting your bitmap drawings to resolution-independent vector images.

Export to a wide variety of formats such as BMP, JPEG, PNG, PSD, TGA, EPS (monochrome only), TIFF, PDF and PICT (Mac only).

Draw naturally with a pen tablet and recreate the sensation of drawing on paper offering an incredibly natural drawing experience.

Simplify your layout and design process with easy to use features such as a variety of built-in rulers that save you time.

Color artwork using the integrated tool set enabling you to mix and blend for custom color work.

Convert 2D images to line and tone data by using the 2DLT Rendering function.

Import 3D objects and easily transform them into tone and line drawings by using the 3DLT Rendering function.

Add speed line and focus line effects in seconds to express motion or moods.

Work with precision using unlimited layers.

Select from a suite of advanced filters to quickly apply distortions and special effects to your artwork.

New and Updated features

Manga Studio EX 4.0 allows you to create professional, ready to publish manga and comics.

NEW! Professional Color Set

Choose from literally millions of colors and create your own color sets. Includes dodge, burn and color blend tools.

UPDATED! Additional Word Balloons

Add word balloons with ease by dragging and dropping any of almost one hundred preset editable word balloons. Freely adjust the font, size, style and spacing of the text and add a curved or straight tail.

NEW! Vector Toolkit

Speed up production using the built-in vector tools such as 'Show Center Line' which makes spotting trouble areas in need of smoothing, a breeze.

UPDATED! Additional 3D Objects

Manga Studio EX comes with over 550 built-in 3D Objects. Quickly, position, rotate and adjust them on your page. Convert them to line and tone data and use them as backgrounds and props for your drawings.

NEW! Professional Filter Set

Manga Studio EX now offers a suite of advanced creative filters. Quickly distort images, adjust hue and saturation, or add rain and sparkle effects to your artwork.

UPDATED! More export formats

In addition to the existing BMP, JPEG, PNG, PSD and TGA formats, Manga Studio EX 4.0 now offers the ability to export your artwork as TIFF, EPS (monochrome only), PDF and PICT (Mac only) formats.

NEW! Story Editor

Enter and edit the text for your entire story and distribute across pages using the Story Editor in Manga Studio EX.

NEW! Advanced Text Input

Manga Studio EX now allows you to enter text directly on your page using a standard text tool. You can also quickly add special characters and with support for many characters such as Katakana and Hiragana, Manga Studio EX is better than ever!

NEW! Mesh Transformation

Use the Mesh Transform tool to modify screen tones to better showcase clothing textures by giving them a wrapping appearance.

NEW! Special Rulers

Choose from a variety of rulers, including symmetry rulers, radial line rulers and concentric circle rulers that speed up production.

UPDATED! Extra Pattern Brushes

Choose from 80+ customizable pattern brushes. Adjust the size, color and angle quickly using the sliders to create an almost unlimited number of unique effects.

Product Description

System Requirements

Windows: Windows 7, XP Home Edition (Service Pack 2), Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2) , Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Ultimate., [XP] Intel Pentium Processor or AMD Processor 500MHz or higher (1.0GHz and more is preferred.); [Vista] Intel Pentium Processor or AMD Processor 800MHz or higher (2.0GHz and more is preferred.), [XP] 256MB RAM minimum (512 MB or more recommended); [Vista] 512MB RAM minimum (1.0 GB RAM or more recommended.), 1.1 GB or more disk space (1.7 GB or more recommended), XGA (1,024 x 768), SXGA (1,280 x 1,024) 16-bit color display, Pen Tablet (recommended): Wacom Bamboo, Graphire, Intuos, Cintiq, PL series etc., Printer (optional): 600 dpi or 1,200 dpi laser printer recommended, Scanner (optional): TWAIN 32 compatible, and CD-ROM Drive.

[103 美國直購 ShopUSA] 漫畫工作室 Manga Studio EX 4 $2929

相關 [103 美國直購 ShopUSA] 漫畫工作室 Manga Studio EX 4 $2929





目前海賊王影片撥到467集 現在打到魯夫跑去救艾斯了 ,"請問之後漫畫的劇情是"? 不好意思 請完整一點><


魯夫成功救出艾斯,艾斯正式參戰,與魯夫聯手對抗海兵,而白鬍子決定用盡自己最後的力量,掩護所有旗下海賊撤退。 白鬍子一人獨對海軍眾人,白鬍子海賊團正要逃亡之際海軍本部上將「赤犬」出現並出言挑釁艾斯。 艾斯憤而攻擊赤犬卻反被赤犬的岩漿給燒傷。最後赤犬一拳襲向魯夫,艾斯挺身擋住攻擊慘遭赤犬貫穿身體。 艾斯靠在魯夫身上,白鬍子旗下的船醫前去搶救艾斯,但艾斯拒絕了治療,並出口感謝魯夫和前來營救他的所有人,隨後在魯夫懷裡含笑而逝。 魯夫受到艾斯逝世的影響而精神崩潰,此時黑鬍子帶著推進城四名傳說中的囚犯突然出現於海軍本部。 白鬍子獨自一人在一個只剩半邊的島,其他被下達撤退命令的海賊都在另一半邊的島上。 白鬍子見到黑鬍子後,便毫不留情的向他攻擊,但最後在黑鬍子海賊團的全體攻擊下,白鬍子以站著的姿態死亡,黑鬍子趁勢向前利用果實能力奪取白鬍子的震震果實能力,而成為能夠使用兩種果實能力的能力者,同時黑鬍子向世人宣佈他將取代白鬍子成為這個世界的霸主。 於是戰國親自和黑鬍子交戰,而此時為了保護魯夫的吉貝爾被赤犬重創,危急之際,被巴其和克洛克達爾解救,此時『死亡外科醫生』托拉法爾加·羅搭乘潛水艇出現,前來救援魯夫。 而後在四皇『紅髮』傑克的出面調解下,戰國元帥決定收兵,這場自大海賊時代開始以來最大的戰役---「馬林福特的頂尖對決」就此閉幕。 這是到戰爭結束大概的劇情,其後尚有魯夫與艾斯小時候的回憶篇,以及魯夫向冥王。雷利學習如何控制霸氣。


到了579 3D2Y 故事接到2年後|||||艾斯是被盃上將(赤犬)打死的 不是七武海啦|||||魯夫確實是把艾斯的手銬用開,之後艾斯跟魯夫一起對抗海軍, 艾斯:「還可以打媽?魯夫。」 魯夫:「當然。」 之後有一句讓我最感動的話 艾斯對著鄭打過來的海軍說:「她是我弟弟想打他先來打我。」 大概是著個意思拉!!!!! 不過到最後艾斯在魯夫面前被(因該是)七武海打死, 魯夫崩潰,白鬍子也為愛司留下眼淚, 魯夫最後被一個人就到船上治療, 白鬍子因被黑鬍子所殺而死(在這之前野獸了重傷) 出現紅髮制止戰爭,後來魯夫到女人國療傷,但魯夫醒來後 一直打數(出氣),還覺得自己太弱, 有一ㄍ老爺爺說:「你應該還有其來人陪著你巴。」 魯夫才想到還有她哦同伴在等著她, 2年後她們要在某個地方會合(忘了在哪個地方) 她們努力變強,而魯夫在女人國練習霸氣 我先說的是大概 有空我在打的更詳細|||||艾斯死了 白鬍子也死了 紅髮來停戰 魯夫崩潰 不過最後想起自己還有夥伴 就重新振作起來˙ˇ˙ 魯夫在報紙上用暗號傳達訊息給夥伴說~不是3天之後夏波帝諸島見.是2年之後集合~ 大家也都有明白魯夫的意思 所以現在大家正在努力變強 黑鬍子拿到白鬍子的能力 反攻世界政府 卡普和戰國都辭職了 差不多就是這樣 魯夫和雷利學霸氣 索隆和鷹眼學劍術 大家都很努力歐((笑

[103 美國直購 ShopUSA] 漫畫工作室 Manga Studio EX 4 $2929


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