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[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] ClueFinders 6th Grade Adventures


[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] ClueFinders 6th Grade Adventures



Search their underground empire for important clues so you can find your missing friends

Learn how to free Joni from the Plant Queen before she's turned into a plant forever!l

Covers important math topics like decimals and percentages, estimates and ratios

Also encourages better languages skills

They'll get a grip on biology, Physical Sciences, Data Analysis and other science skills

Product description

Solve a mystery in an underground world!Product InformationJoin the search for the missing ClueFinders in the underground empire of thePlant People!A mighty army of mutant plant warriors threatens to take over the town above. Use your head to tackle tricky challenges solve a mystery and save the townfrom destruction. From cleaning up deadly pollutants to building bridges every exciting activitybuilds essential 6th grade skills!Skills Learned Decimals Percentages Equations Fractions Statistics Estimation Ratios Spelling Grammar Reading comprehension Vocabulary Biology Environmental science Physical science Data analysis Geography and map reading Ancient history and culture Timelines Reference skills Logical reasoning Critical thinkingProduct Features Explore 15 interactive games and exercises all specifically geared toward 6th graders! Build more than 150 important 6th grade skills in math language arts science social science and problem solving. Work your way through 4 levels that increase in difficulty to match your growing skills. Take advantage of detailed help features when a particularly tough challenge slows you down. Celebrate each new accomplishment with encouraging progress reports.Windows System Requirements Pentium 166 MHz or faster (Pentium II 300 MHz or faster for XP) Windows 95 98 Me 2000 XP Vista Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) Hard Disk: 100 MB available RAM: 32 MB (128 MB RAM for XP) CD-ROM: 8X Speed Monitor: High Color 16-bit Audio: Windows-compatible Sound card and speakers Other: Mouse Recommended: Internet Access PrinterMacintosh System Requirements Power PC 180 MHz or faster Mac OS 8.6-9x and OS X Hard Disk: 100 MB available RAM: 32 MB CD-ROM: 8X Speed Monitor: Thousands color Display 16-bit Audio: Sound card and speakers Other: Mouse Recommend

Join the search for the missing ClueFinders in the underground empire ofthe Plant People. A mighty army of mutant plant warriors threatens to takeover the town. It's up to you to use your head to solve the mysteryand save the town from destruction. From cleaning up deadly pollutants tobuilding bridges, each activity is designed to build sixth grade skills inmath, language arts, science, social studies, and problem solving. Workyour way through four levels that increase in difficulty to match your growingskills, and take advantage of detailed help features when a particularlytough challenge slows you down. There's also a Real World Adventure Kit included in the program that allows you to create cool maps to guide your friends on treasure hunts. There's a logbook and calendar to plan activities, keep on schedule, and record your daily thoughts and achievements. You can create, encode, and print top-secret messages with the encoder/decoder, then help yourfriends decode them.

Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 8 x 1.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces

ASIN: B00004UF30

Item model number: 379538

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] ClueFinders 6th Grade Adventures

相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] ClueFinders 6th Grade Adventures





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[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] ClueFinders 6th Grade Adventures


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