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【O13073001】極致簡約 便攜式筆電散熱支架 環保散熱架 散熱支架 線條支架
【O13073001】極致簡約 便攜式筆電散熱支架 環保散熱架 散熱支架 線條支架
商品介紹 (Product introduction) | 年度全新創意電腦散熱支架! 只需三步驟輕鬆搞定,沒錯就這麼簡單。 |
款式 | 如圖 (無法指定顏色,隨機出貨) |
尺寸 | 長35cm*4.5cm |
材質 (Material) | 優質ABS |
備註 | ●商品圖檔顏色因電腦螢幕設定差異會略有不同,以實際商品顏色為準,請見諒。?
【O13073001】極致簡約 便攜式筆電散熱支架 環保散熱架 散熱支架 線條支架
相關 【O13073001】極致簡約 便攜式筆電散熱支架 環保散熱架 散熱支架 線條支架
1) a club consisting of 20 members, how many ways are there of choosing a committee of 6 if the club president must be on the committee and another member of the club is not able to serve? ans: 85682) At a chess tourment with 12 players, each player played exactly 1 game with all but one of the other players. how... 顯示更多 1) a club consisting of 20 members, how many ways are there of choosing a committee of 6 if the club president must be on the committee and another member of the club is not able to serve? ans: 8568 2) At a chess tourment with 12 players, each player played exactly 1 game with all but one of the other players. how many games were played at the tourment?ans:60 3) how many ways can 6 students be seated in a row if 2 particular students must be seated next to each other? ans:240 4) how many positive even integers less than 1000 can be formed from the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5?ans:107 5) how many ways can 6 students be seated in a row if 2 particular ctudents are to be separated? ans: 480 6) I invite 4 couples to dinner and seat them at a round table. how many ways can i arrange them if emn and women sit alternately? ans: 144 7) how many different ways can you answer a 7 question multiple 3 choice exam if you know no two consecutive answers are the same? ans:192 Thanks! 更新: will you please explain why?? thank you!
Solution Outline (1) 18C5 = 8568 (2) 12*10/2 = 60(3) (5P5)(2!) = 240 (4) 1-digit : 2; 2-digit: 5 + 5 + 5 = 15, 3-digit:5*6 + 5*6 + 5*6 = 90 Total:107 (5) (4!)(5P2) = 24*20 = 480(6) First, for each man, assigns the woman to him (4!). Then arrange these 4 pairs to the round table (3!). no. of ways = 144 (7) 3(2^6) = 192
6) 3!*4! 先排男,再塞進去女的|||||為了維護知識交流的精神,避免侵害他人智慧財產權,即日起(2006/03/08)將嚴格禁止以下的發表內容: 2. 要求代作作業。 代作作業違反了知識交流的精神,因此您的發表內容將會被移除,若屢次移除無效,將會予以扣點或停權。 建議網友發問與課業相關的問題時,先做好初步的研究,再針對不瞭解的部分尋求網友協助,而不是一味要求網友代勞。也建議網友斟酌回答類似的問題,以免因問題違規而被移除,降低了採用率。 如: a. 請幫我寫一篇作文,題目是○○○○,500 字 b. 大大,幫幫我的家庭作業,我不會 c. 請幫我造句「因為…所以…」 d. 成語填空題,還有選擇題,很難喔。 e. 請幫我裡面的數學題…
【O13073001】極致簡約 便攜式筆電散熱支架 環保散熱架 散熱支架 線條支架