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【非印不可】EPSON C3800N 紅色 相容彩雷環保碳粉匣 S051129

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聖公會呂明才係一間點嘅學校?! 更新: 我想知到:有乜設施 好唔好 ............................. le D 資料...thx~


全校課室及特別室均設有空調設備。設有禮堂、學生活動中心、籃球場、排球場、有蓋操場、泳池、電腦室2間、跳舞室、多用途活動室及多媒體電腦室等。 是一間Band 1的學校,校風幾好,有好多人想讀,以英文教學, 中一至中三 以中文授課的科目: 宗教教育、中國語文、中國歷史、普通話、視覺藝術、體育(中二、三)、生命教育 以英文授課的科目: 英文、數學、綜合科學、歷史、地理、經公、音樂、電腦、物理、生物、化學、綜合人文、體育(中一) 學校收費方面:年級 學費(每學年) 堂費(每學年) 中一 - $630 中二 - $630 中三 - $630 中四 $5,320 $630 中五 $5,320 $588 中六 $9,100 $630 中七 $9,100 $588 家長教師會費(每學年) $30 學生會費(每學年) $5 認可收費作特訂用途*(每學年) - 其他(每學年) - 宗教: 基督教 學生性別: 男女 電話: 2551 4121 傳真: 2875 2344 直達學校的公共交通: 巴士:40、40M、41A、42、M47、48、73、170、970; 專線小巴:23、31。 校訓: 培育領袖,激發潛能,侍主愛人 校長: 楊清女士 (M Ed.) 校監/校管會主席: 李正儀博士 本區: 南區 地址: 香港薄扶林華富道57號華富邨地下第二層至六樓 其實都不錯,不防試一試


聖公會呂明才中學係band 1 尾 LMC=聖公會呂明才中學 About LMC S.K.H. Lui Ming Choi Secondary School was founded by the Rt. Revd. John Baker and the Ven. Cheung Wing Ngok in 1973. The Lui Ming Choi Foundation, a found set up by the family of the late Mr. Lui Ming Choi, was the benefactor of the school. LMC is a co-education grammar school in which the language of instruction is English. The school offers 24 classes. There are 4 classes from Form 1 to Form 5 and 2 classes from Form 6 to Form 7. Student numbers are held approximately at 1000. Mission and Vision LMC is dedicated to the education of students within a Christian community. The school strives for excellence in education, and supports the overall purpose of helping students to achieve their potential as leaders, learners and cares. The school motto: "LMC" Leadership, Motivation, and Caring – affirms the school philosophy for all members of the school. Through its programme of studies and extra-curricular activities, the school aims to help students find their individual interests and strengths, to discover and develop their potential in all areas covering ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics. Medium of Instruction Beginning September 1998, S.K.H .Lui Ming Choi Secondary School has been approved to be one of the 114 schools using English as the medium of instruction (EMI) in Hong Kong. To help students learn more effectively in English, the school has organised a series of summer school programmes for all levels. While it is important to create an excellent environment for students to actively use English, the school also fells that the value of our mother tongue should not be belittled. Continuous effort has been made to enhance students' Chinese language abilities. Potonghua has also been introduced into the curriculum. It is hoped that LMC students will be proficient in English and Chinese and at the same time be able to communicate effectively in Potonghua. School Administration To take care of the routine administration jobs and to carry out the school goals, a number of committees are formed. These include Academic Committee, Staff Development Committee, Discipline Committee, Guidance Committee, Careers Team and Extra-curricular Activities Committee. Teachers are invited to join different committees. It is hoped that in this way all teachers are involved in decision-making processes and all teachers' ideas are considered. Academic Development The Academic Committee hold regular meetings to discuss and formulate policies about curriculum, learning and assessment. The committee endeavours to keep pace with the new trends in education in Hong Kong and to explore ways to enhance students' academic potential and teachers' efficiency. Staff Development The main function of the group is to help all staff members to grow in the teaching profession and new members to tune in to the school life in no time. Every year we organise Staff Development Days based on different themes and topic. Teachers have a chance to share their experiences, exchange views and broaden the horizons of knowledge.||||| 入面有哂學校既資料!!|||||聖公會呂明才中學 係一間以英語為主要授課語言嘅學校

【非印不可】EPSON C3800N 紅色 相容彩雷環保碳粉匣 S051129


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